
Thursday, February 23, 2012

How To Order

Currently bookings can only be done via phone or sms on 085848813351 or email to after you call we will immediately confirm to you regarding the availability of existing products. Then you can send money to our account with :

Number account in 7118-01-000904-53-7 
The name is Noor Ikhfan Mu'arif.

Our product are going to your home soon, because we will serve our customer with the best perform. We will deliver your order with TIKI.

Thanks for All.......

Welcome to Gubuk Furniture

Is a Gubuk Furniture online store that provides all forms of furniture and of course to suit your needs. Hut furniture gives you comfort and convenience for the transaction. With the establishment of this web blog you can freely browse through the products offered.

Thanks for visit to Gubuk Furniture.. :)